Search Focus.

We target a limited number of platform investments in growing, Midwestern companies with EBITDA in excess of $300,000. We welcome opportunities involving management transitions.

Recurring or predictable revenue model

EBITDA greater than $300k

Operating margins of at least 10% with stable track record

Located in the Midwest

Business Criteria.


Entrepreneur or family owned and operated businesses

Owner seeking liquidity, either through full or partial sale of their business

Owner seeking path to retirement and succession planning

Owner looking to transition out of operating role

Our preference is for the existing owner to continue to own a small portion of the business alongside us. We carve out ownership for your key employees to benefit in the long term growth that we hope to achieve.

We buy your business with a combination of debt from a bank and equity from investors that made their money owning and running businesses that probably look a lot like yours.

  • Transaction value of $1 to $3 million

  • EBITDA in excess of $300,000

Size of Platform Company

Preferred Company Characteristics

  • Operating profit margins of 10% or greater

  • Historical annual growth of 10% or greater

  • Fragmented customer base

  • Diversified product/service offering


  • Opportunities which involve management transition and/or owner retirement

  • Also willing to pursue companies with strong existing management teams

Growth Orientation

  • Companies with significant growth opportunities either through internal revenue growth or through acquisition


  • Companies locally owned and operated in the Midwest, including WI, IL and MN